Best Paan Franchise In India|Paan In India


What is Betel Leaf or Paan|Best Paan Franchise In India

Paan is also called Nagaballi, Srivati, Amalvati, Amdarsa. Paan has been used for many years, in auspicious works and celebrations along with behavior, mouth-cleansing, fragrance and taste enhancement, as well as prayers. Its creeper is soft which spreads. Its stems are smooth, strong, small root climbing upwards. Its leaves are as big and wide as the peepal leaves. The color of betel leaves is green. Pan is considered to be the best in Banaras.

Name of Betel Leaf or Paan in Different Languages

Botanical name of Paan :- Piper betle Linn. Syn-Chavica betle (Linn.) Miq. And it belongs to the Piperaceae  clan. Get to know these names also:

Betel Leaf or Paan in –

  • Hindi- Paan
  • English- Betel leaf
  • Sanskrit-  फणिलता
  • Urdu- (Pan) 
  • Oriya-  (Pano) 
  • Konkani-  (Pan)
  • Kannada-  (Ambadiyele)
  • Gujarati-  (Nagarbel), पान (Paan)
  • Telugu-  (Tamalapaku)
  • Tamil-  (Vettilei)
  • Bengali-  (Khasipan)
  • Nepali-  (Paan)
  • Marathi-  (Nagvel)
  • Malayalam-  (Vettila)
  • Arabic-  (Tambul)
  • Persian-  Tambol

Medicinal Properties of Betel Leaf or Best Paan Franchise In India

Ayurvedic properties of betel leaf

Paan is pungent, sharp, bitter, hot, sweet, alkaline, astringent, airy. The old Paan is very juicy, tasty, aromatic, sweet, pungent, deep, aphrodisiac, blistering, laxative and purifying mouth. The new Paan is tridiocaustic, dahajjan, anorexic, blood contaminant, diuretic and emollient. Pan is best if water is irrigated for a long time.

Mast Banarasi Paan Benefits and Uses

The advantages of betel leaf, quantity and methods of use are: -

Benefits of Betel Leaf (Paan) in Relief from Headache

Use of betel is beneficial in headache. Tying betel leaves around the ear provides relief from headache. 

Paan Ingredients|Paan Benefits

Read More :- Paan Aroma Franchise

Uses of Ayurvedic Medicine Betel Leaf (Paan) for Eye Disease

Mix equal amount of honey in betel juice. Applying it on the eyes like mascara is beneficial in new diseases of the eyes like eyelid disease. Contact the nearest Ayurvedic doctor for more information.

Uses of Ayurvedic Medicine Betel Leaf (Paan) in Relief from Ear Pain

Paan is also beneficial in ear pain. Putting 1-2 drops of juice of tambul (betel leaf) in the ear and eyes provides relief in ear pain and night blindness. 

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits for Oral Disease

  • Take 3-3 grams of Rumi Masti, Betel nut and Khadir. Grind it with cooked leaves of Paan (tambool). Make a pot of 250-500 mg of it. By rubbing it on the teeth, the problem of pain, swelling, etc. occurs in the root of the teeth.
  • Sucking the root of the betel makes the voice mellow.
teath Pain|Paan In India
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Benefits of Betel Leaf (Paan) to Treat Cold in Kids

Children benefit from the use of betel leaf even in winter. Heat the betel leaves. Put castor oil in it and tie it on the chest. It's profitable.

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits in Fighting with Cough and Cold

  • Adult people can also take advantage of the use of betel leaf in winter. Grind betel leaf and liquorice. Licking it with honey provides relief in cold and cold.

Grind the betel leaf. Mixing honey and licking it provides relief to children in cold and phlegm.

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits in Fighting with Whooping Cough

• Swelling of the throat reduces with the consumption of  cough betel juice, and phlegm begins to come out.

• In this disease, mixing the juice of 2-5 betel leaves with a little lukewarm water is also beneficial.

• Dry cough mixed with honey mixed with 5-10 ml of pan juice.Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits in Fighting with Whooping Cough

Read More :- Low Investment Franchise Paan Franchise Opportunities

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits for Respiratory Disease

• Heat the betel leaves and tie it on the chest of the patient with respiratory diseases. It is beneficial in respiratory diseases.

• In diphtheria disease, the intake of betel juice reduces swelling of the throat.

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits for Health Related Disorder

• Consumption of betel leaf is beneficial in heart weakness and heart disorders. You can use it in place of digitalis.

• Drinking betel syrup increases the strength of the heart, cures cough and indigestion.

• The amount of saliva released when the betel is sucked in helps digestion.

• Pan cures stomach upset. This causes foul smell of the mouth.

• If you feel very thirsty, then you feel less thirsty by eating betel leaf. 

Uses of Ayurvedic Medicine Betel Leaf (Paan) for Thinness

Grind the betel leaves with ten maricha. Taking it with cold water removes the problem of thinness. 

Paan Ingredients|Paan In India
Paan Ingredients

Read More :- Best Paan Franchies In India 

Betel Leaf (Paan) Treats Body Weakness

Mix gravy or hot basavar in betel syrup. Drinking 25-25 ml thrice a day ends weakness of the body.

Betel Leaf (Paan) Benefits for Filariasis

The benefits of tambul are also found in filaria. Take seven leaves of tambul and make a paste. Add a little rock salt to it. Drinking this with lukewarm drink is beneficial in schlepid (filaria).

Benefits of Betel Leaf (Paan) for Healing Wound

The medicinal properties of tambool are benefited even when there is a wound. Tie the tambool over the wound. Wounds heal quickly with this.

body gainer|Paan In India|Paan Aroma Franchise

Betel Leaf (Paan) Uses to Treat Epilepsy

Consumption of tambool is beneficial in epilepsy. Women should drink 5-10 ml of betel juice mixed with 100 ml of milk at the time of epilepsy.

Benefits of Betel Leaf (Paan) in Fighting with Fever

• In fever too, there is benefit from the medicinal properties of Tambool. Heat the extract of 3 ml Tambool (Paan). Feeding it 2-3 times a day causes fever.

• If fever is not cured, the use of ghee cooked with ghee on the betel leaves is beneficial.

Betel Leaf (Paan) Uses to Reduce Swelling

There is swelling or abscess in any part of the body. You can cure it with betel leaf. Heat and tie the betel leaf on the diseased organ. It cures swelling and pain.

Loss Of Paan Eating | Betel Leaf (Paan) Side Effects

Consumption of betel can cause these disadvantages: -

Eating betel leaf is also an addiction. One gets used to it by constantly eating betel leaf. Eating Paan for the first time feels a special effect on the brain like some dizziness, nervousness, restlessness etc., but all these complaints gradually go away once they become habit. Sucking the betel leaves a high amount of saliva, which helps in digestion, but the consumption of betel leaf along with tobacco and betel nut is harmful.

Overeating betel leaf reduces appetite, so it should be eaten in moderation. Betel contains a poisonous substance called hepixine. Betel nut contains a toxic substance called orchidine, so betel nut should also be taken less. Eating more catechu with betel leaves causes lung problems. Excess of lime with betel spoil the teeth. Paan should not be eaten in these conditions due to being pungent, hot and gallbladder: -

  • Blood bites (bleeding from nose and ears)
  • heart disorder
  • Fainting

Here the information about the benefits and disadvantages of betel has been written in a very easy language (Betel Leaf or Paan benefits and side effects in Hindi) so that you can get the full benefit from the medicinal properties of betel leaf, but the intake of betel leaf for any disease Before taking or using Paan, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

Read More :- Paan In India|Low Investment Franchise|Franchise Opportunities|Paan Stall|Paan Café

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mast banarasi paan

Paan holds a very important place in the lifestyle of India. Indian Cuisines are renowned for their spicy tang and flavor, and are often followed by Mouth Fresheners like Paan. Due to its mesmerizing aroma & sweetness, Paan is loved by all the Indians. Hence, “MAST BANARASI PAAN” brings to you multi-flavored Paan that it prepares with exotic masalas and with a passion to relish your taste buds. Mast Banarasi Paan has an iconic presence in Paan making.

The ingredients like fresh Paan (Betel) Leaf, Katha with Choona (lime paste), Supari (betel nuts), Tobacco, Chocolate, Sugar, Candies, etc. are sampled in the Paan in such a way that they create a magical taste, which you’ll cherish forever. Moreover, we have the distinction of serving Paan to many Celebrities, Politicians and other eminent personalities of different fields. Today, we are one of the prominent Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of flavored Paan.




